Monday, November 10, 2014

The First Snow

For us Minnesotans, snow is not a word heard less than a billion times a year.

We go from November to what seams like June with feet of that icy cold stuff covering everything… and I mean EVERYTHING…

But there seriously is still something magical about that first snowfall of the year, or for me any fresh snowfall.

Yesterday everyone was buzzing about the 8-12 inches we were supposed to accumulate today, yet it only ended up being about 5 in the cities.  Some were excited, some mad as can be, some torn between the beauty of that white fluff, and the road conditions lengthening the morning commute from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

I always remember waking up as a kid on the first day it snowed. Looking out the window then running and waking up my siblings, throwing on our boots and coats, as we ran out the door with our black lab imagining what we could do with this moldable ice.

Eventually we came up with some weird looking snowman that stood awkwardly in the middle of our yard. But still, it was magical in it’s own little way.

Now, as a 22 year old, I don’t exactly run outside, but I still love that quietness and serenity of a fresh fallen snow. Everything is white, everything is pretty, and it is simply the best against lit up Christmas lights throughout the month of December. ~~Cue the Christmas eagerness~~

Yeah okay, the driving stinks, and luckily, today I was home from classes in a Nyquil induced coma with the common cold. So I skipped that part.

But still. Yes it’s cold, yes, its annoying to drive in, but SERIOUSLY GUYS, we live in Minnesota, the frozen artic of the United States. So ready or not, here it comes.

So you might as well look at it from a childlike set of eyes, light a fire, make a cup of cocoa, and enjoy it.

Cause it is here to stay.

Happy Living

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