Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Make a List

Ok, I know, I have already failed at the blog thing... 4 months without a post.. whoops! 
But school is crazy, life is crazy, so i guess I just fit it in when I can. 

Subject: People
Where: your life

Do you ever just sit down and think about all of the people in your life? The people who support you, cheer you on, are there for you no matter what?

If you do, its pretty amazing how many people come to mind. 

So this is kind of a shout-out post. A thank you, to all the people that are in my life, because really, they make everything worth it. 

I read this somewhere and it totally got me thinking:  make a list of all of the people who would come pick you up on a deserted road at 3 am if your car broke down, now this is hypothetical, but seriously, write a list. 

I didn't actually write one, but I thought about it, and it was pretty fricken' long.... 

That just goes to show how many people would drop anything in an instant to help you, or to get you through the hard times in your life. 

Don't take these people for granted. Thank them when you can, hug them when you can, and lastly be that person they call at 3 am... it might make for a great midnight adventure. 

So to all those people who have been there for me through everything, this is my big fat THANK YOU

Because you never know when you are going to get stuck on a deserted road at 3 am....

Happy living,

Are you Chicken?

                      The Best chicken you will ever make: Sweet and sour

Ok folks, i know this one is a little time consuming, but it is so delicious and worth the effort... to make GF simply switch out the soy sauce with GF soy sauce!


For the Chicken:
3-4 boneless,skinless chicken breasts, cut into chunks
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 cup cornstarch
2 eggs, slightly beaten
¼ cup canola or vegetable oil
For the Sauce:
¾ cup sugar
4 tablespoons ketchup
½ cup vinegar (preferably rice or white)
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon garlic powder


1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
2. Season chicken with salt and pepper.
3. Working in two batches, toss the chicken pieces in cornstarch and then coat with the egg. Heat the oil over medium-high heat and again in two batches, brown the chicken, turning it so that all sides are browned.
4. Place the chicken in a single layer in a 9x13 baking dish.
5. Whisk together the sauce ingredients in a small bowl and pour evenly over the chicken. Turn the chicken to ensure each piece is coated.
6. Bake for 1 hour, turning the chicken every 15 minutes.